- evaporated milk
- e.vaporated 'milkn [U]milk which has been made thicker and sweeter by removing some of the water from it
Dictionary of contemporary English. 2013.
Dictionary of contemporary English. 2013.
Evaporated milk — Evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, is a shelf stable canned milk product with about 60% of the water removed from fresh milk. It differs from sweetened condensed milk, which contains added sugar. Sweetened condensed milk requires… … Wikipedia
evaporated milk — ☆ evaporated milk n. unsweetened milk thickened by evaporation to about half its weight, and then canned and sterilized: cf. CONDENSED MILK … English World dictionary
evaporated milk — ► NOUN ▪ thick sweetened milk that has had some of the liquid removed by evaporation … English terms dictionary
evaporated milk — noun milk concentrated by evaporation • Hypernyms: ↑milk, ↑concentrate * * * noun [noncount] : canned milk from which most of the water has been removed compare ↑condensed milk * * * eˌvaporated ˈmilk f8 [evaporated milk] … Useful english dictionary
evaporated milk — N UNCOUNT Evaporated milk is thick sweet milk that is sold in cans … English dictionary
evaporated milk — sutirštintas pienas statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Iš dalies dehidratuotas pienas, kurio ne mažiau kaip 7,5 proc. masės sudaro pieno riebalai ir ne mažiau kaip 25 proc. – sausosios pieno medžiagos. atitikmenys: angl.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
evaporated milk — milk prepared by evaporation of half its water content … Medical dictionary
evaporated milk — noun Milk that has been concentrated by evaporation and canned. See Also: condensed milk, milk powder … Wiktionary
evaporated milk — e|vap|o|rat|ed milk [ ı,væpə,reıtəd mılk ] noun uncount milk sold in cans, that has had most of the water taken out of it and is used in cooking … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
evaporated milk — /əˌvæpəreɪtəd ˈmɪlk/ (say uh.vapuhraytuhd milk) noun thick, unsweetened, tinned milk made by removing some of the water from whole milk …